Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Last one! For a Little Flower Girl

This is the last of my hats that I've had in queue to be posted about for months. 

Flower Girl

It's a really small hat...really, really small.  But I loved the yarns I used for it--I think the variegated yarn is Sugar'n Cream's "Lava Lamp", and the pink that compliments it pretty well is their "Hot Pink".

I also really liked the flower I made, even though I can't remember exactly how I made it!  I know I didn't use a tutorial... I think I just started casting on A LOT of stitches, and then knitting 2 together every third stitch after two rows, and probably knitting 2 together every other stitch after that.  Something like that.  I wanted to make a rosette, but the middle turned out too small--so I stitched it together in a big circle and came up with this flower. :)  The middle came out pretty hard-feeling since it's so dense, so I stitched in a few accents in the variegated yarn to make it look button-like. 

I tried getting a close up, but this is from my camera phone, so it's not that great:

Flower Girl Close-Up

Now that I'm all done with my "back catalog", I should have a few more hats done soon!

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